The French Chef, by Sue Flay
Unemployed, by Anita Job
Irish Flooring, by Lynn O'Leum
Neither a Borrower, by Nora Lender Bee
Is O. J. Guilty?, by Howard I. Know
Animal Illnesses, by Ann Thrax
House Construction, by Bill Jerome Home
Why Cars Stop, by M. T. Tank
Wind in the Willows, by Russell Ingleaves
Look Younger, by Fay Slift
And Shut Up! by Sid Downe
Sound as a Bell , by A. Clanger
Dull Pain, by A. King
How To Get Attention, by A. U. Overthere
One Hundred Years Old, by Abbie Birthday
Drafted!, by Abel Boddeed
I'm not a Mutant, by Abner Mallety
Ambulance Driving, by Adam Muhway
I Love Mathematics, by Adam Up
Cry Wolf, by Al Armist
It's a Shocker, by Alec Tricity
Is that it?, by Annie Moore
Not a Guitar!, by Amanda Lin
Artificial Weightlessness, by Andy Gravity
Light Brown Hair, by Audrey Mauve Jeannie
Why Do People Avoid Me?, by B. O. Problem
Handbook of Great Art, by B. U. Teeful
Handsome, Charming, and... , by Cary Smattic
Boy Scout's Handbook, by Casey Needzit
Interior Decorating, by Curt Enrod
Shhh!, by Danielle Soloud
I Lost My Balance, by Eileen Dover and Phil Down
Investigating Optometrists, by F. B. Eye
The German Bank Robbery, by Hans Zupp
Chinese Apathy, by Hu Cares
I hope you like these!
Ruby x
They're great! Fantastic! I've always loved plays on words.